Shipping methods are selected by our warehouse in order to get you your item in a quick, reliable way. As KISIME has warehouses in California, shipping methods depend on the destination address.

Orders shipping to an address within the USA are generally shipped via USPS, DHL, UPS, or FedEx.

You can see the average delivery time for all our packages :

After you place an order, it will take us 1 to 3 days to process your order, because the number of orders per day is quite large, we hope for your understanding. During the week it takes one business day, but if you order on a Friday night or weekend it may take a little longer.

Once your order is processed, it will be shipped. It takes on average 5-7 days for your order to be shipped. You also check your order with the tracking number through the email sent by us after it is sent by the carrier.